East Cork Competition Rules

East Cork Competition Rules


Competition Rules
East Golf Club boasts a tradition of high participation by members in club competitions. All players are expected to adhere to competition rules which are designed to ensure fair-play, improve player etiquette and enhance competitiveness.

General Competition Rules
• The committee reserves the right to alter, postpone, or abandon any competition.
• The competition secretary and committee are responsible for drawing up and interpreting conditions for all competitions. Their decision is final in all matters relating to competitions
• Ties in all competitions shall be decided as follows: last 18, 9, 6, 3, 2, 1 holes.
• Before commencing your round please complete the following steps:
1. Pay the entry fee in the pro-shop.
2. Enter for the competition on the computer. On completion of your round, enter your score in the computer and then put your signed scorecard in the slot for scorecards beside the computer monitor.

• Players are responsible for the proper return of their scorecards. This card should have name printed, date, competition details, handicap, signature and the gross score for stroke play, four ball, foursomes and preferable the points filled in for each hole to assist in the efficient processing of cards.

• Players who do not return their score cards after competitions.
This impacts on the CSS calculation and effects all players’ handicap adjustments. Clauses 23 and 24 of the UHS gives Handicap Committees discretion to deal with players who persistently submit incomplete cards or make Non Returns, if it considers they are attempting to build a handicap. (Pg. 85 CONGU Unified Handicap System). Players failing to return scorecards on completion of their round cause the Handicap Committee additional work and the club would be entitled to suspend a player’s right to compete in club competitions for a specified period or for more persistent offences suspend his handicap for an appropriate period. (Clause 17 Dec.1 (p) CONGU Unified Handicap System).
• The Men’s Committee of East Cork Golf Club has decided that failure to return 3 cards will result in disciplinary action by the committee under the appropriate clause.
• Golfing Union of Ireland Rules regarding Amateur Status applies in all competitions.
• Failure to enter your score in the computer for singles competitions may result in disqualification, unless in the exceptional case the computer was out of order, and the player indicates this on his scorecard.
• Members must ensure that scorecards are signed by a fellow member of East Cork Golf Club in all members’ competitions.
• Players are also responsible for checking the details of conditions of play on club notice board prior to competitions.
• Members must make every effort to ensure that their playing partners are not discommoded by late withdrawals. Late withdrawals and or failure to inform pro shop or Committee member in good time are not acceptable.

• Members who are noted to be regular “no-shows” or who are habitually late for their tee time will receive the following sanctions:
Their name will be placed on the “No Show” list in the clubhouse and will remain there for one month.
Should they persist their name will be posted for another month.
If necessary, thereafter suspension of handicap will apply.

Slow Play
• Please avoid slow play. The Competition Committee will monitor all reports of slow play.
• If a match fails to keep its place and loses more than one clear hole on players in front, it should allow the match following to pass. Players in a competition shall have precedence both in starting and through the green over players playing ordinary matches.

Prizes and Presentations
• Prize-winners are asked to attend Presentations or make suitable alternative arrangements for prizes to be collected at the presentation.
• Where a prize winner cannot attend at presentations, arrangements should be made for the attendance of a substitute representative and should be notified in advance to the Committee.
Prizes not collected within 21 days of competition will be redistributed at the discretion of the Competitions’ Committee. In order to win any prize in the above major competitions a player:
• Must be a paid up full member of East Cork Golf Club

Course etiquette
• Please replace divots, repair pitch marks, and rake bunkers.
• Local Rules are located on notice boards in the clubhouse.

Match Play
• Current Handicap for all match play competitions with
The full difference in singles,
9/10th of the difference with the lowest going to scratch in Fourball
Half the combined difference of current handicaps in Foursomes.

Singles Match Play, Fourball Match Play & Foursomes Matchplay
Deadline dates will be strictly enforced. Failure to play the match within the allotted time will result in the disqualification of both players unless prior agreement has been obtained from the Competitions’ Secretary
• In match play, if level after 18 holes – thereafter sudden death (starting at the 1st)
• All first round matches must be completed on time.
• Both players, pairings are responsible for arranging their match.


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31.05.2024 12:04
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